Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements, Seminars, Conferences, Keynotes, and More:

What’s being said…

“Muffet’s workshop was an amazing look into the world of self-publishing.  Things to consider. Things to look out for. Pitfalls to avoid. And all that.  It really was thorough and rock solid.  She knows her stuff.”

Bill B., Author

“I learned more about self-publishing in your one-day seminar than I learned in nine weeks in my self-pub college course.”

Cynthia S., Dallas, TX

“I found Muffet’s program to be very enlightening. Muffet has done her research well. I learned things about American History that are not taught in school.”

Julie A., Vice Regent, DAR, Plano, TX

“Astounding view of WWII America, and some of its almost lost history.”

Dawn V., Vice Regent, DAR, Frisco, TX

A Self-Publishing Primer: From the “Must-Have’s” to Avoiding “The Gotcha’s”

In this half or full-day workshop, Muffet shares her vast knowledge and experience in self-publishing: the “Must-Do’s,” available publishing options, resources and software, the costs of publishing a book, the inside scoop on running a self-pub business, and marketing tips. She’ll also give pointers on how to avoid those pesky “Gotcha’s.” Please join us for this unique view into the world of self-publishing. This workshop is targeted to writers and writer/illustrators.

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Self-Publishing Like a Pro!

In this fast-paced one or two hour seminar, Muffet shares her extensive experience in and knowledge of the self-publishing landscape. From dodging unexpected surprises to incorporating fundamental elements, conference attendees learn how to navigate the self-publishing world. Critical self-publishing topics covered include ISBNs, LOCs, cover art, copyrights, editing considerations, IRS issues, legal concerns, book layout and guidelines, and author/illustrator agreements. The session wraps up with Q&A. Muffet provides authors and author/illustrators a functional, professional path to successful self-publishing.

How to Run a Self-Publishing Business

In this one to two hour seminar, Muffet provides authors and author/illustrators with an in-depth look at how to run a self-publishing business.  She delves into cost models, issues that affect royalties, promotion options, business entities, working with distributors, federal filings, and (cringe) sales taxes. The session includes Q&A throughout as the topics typically trigger many questions.

Little-Known Facts about World War II  (Or What I Never Learned in School and had to Write a Novel to Find Out!)

In this presentation, Muffet shares many of the aspects of World War II she discovered while writing and researching Moon Tears. This presentation is chock-full of interesting snippets of history from the 1940’s that audiences from twelve to one-hundred and twelve find exciting, intriguing and jaw-dropping. You’ll have to keep count of how many times you hear, “That’s so cool! I didn’t know that!”

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Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPS): Heroes of WWII

In this half-hour presentation, attendees learn the fabulous history of one of the most brave, courageous, talented, yet largely unknown groups of women who served during World War II. From a day in the life of a WASP to current day events, I take attendees on a fascinating walk back in time and introduce them to this amazing group of women.

“EXTRA! EXTRA! COME HEAR ALL ABOUT IT!”   Muffet’s Top Ten Tips for Writing Picture Books Kids Can’t Put Down

In this hour-long or half-day writer’s workshop, attendees learn many behind-the-scenes tips and tricks about creating a story kids will love. Sometimes it’s the smallest detail that can make a world of difference. You will leave this compact workshop with a new set of tools to use in your writing arsenal.

The True Stories behind the Photos

After taking tens of thousands of photos during years of being a professional photographer, Muffet has accumulated photos and stories that will thrill, chill, and touch your heart. Life lays in waiting for us all—learn how to craft your experiences into images that make you smile and record your adventures journey by journey.